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We are Together a Family, Common Goal to Excel!

Society of Electrical & Electronics Engineers SEEE is a departmental club of DoEEE, Kathmandu University established with an aim of fostering learning environment and the welfare of the students. Being a multidisciplinary club, which not only focuses on the topic related to Electrical and Electronics but also conducts different welfare activities and helps improve different innovative skills among students at the department. The SEEE operates with a vision of "Envisioning the Emerging Tech, evolving through Differences."
together a family

About Us

SEEE is a student club under the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Kathmandu University. We are involved in improving learning environment and the welfare of the students in the department since its establishment. Being a multidisciplinary club, it not only focuses on the topic related to Electrical and Electronics but also conducts social welfare activities and helps improve interaction among students at the department. 


Our Mission

With the history of more than two decades, students graduating are well known about the club, the programs, the interaction and support that we are providing. We have a strong alumni network more than in a number of thousands working in different national and international sectors proving the excellence of the department. The club is working under 3A’s – Alumni, Academics & Activities.

What our Members Say?

"SEEE has been an integral part of my journey as a student in the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering at Kathmandu University. Their dedication to improving the learning environment and student welfare is commendable. Through their multidisciplinary approach, they not only enhance our understanding of electrical and electronics topics but also foster a sense of community through social welfare activities and student interaction initiatives."
Samyam Shreshta
Batch 2020 Student
"As a proud member of SEEE, I have witnessed firsthand the impact of their commitment to the 3A's - Alumni, Academics & Activities. The club's efforts in fostering strong alumni connections, supporting academic endeavors, and organizing engaging activities have greatly enriched my university experience. SEEE truly embodies excellence and camaraderie within the department. As a Vice President of the club, I am proud to serve the students of DoEEE."
Subrat Kumar Karna
Batch 2021 Student
"SEEE stands as a beacon of excellence and camaraderie within the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Kathmandu University. Since its inception in 2000 AD, the club has been instrumental in creating a supportive learning environment and fostering meaningful interactions among students. Through their initiatives, such as social welfare activities and alumni engagement programs, SEEE continues to leave a lasting impact on both current students and alumni alike."
Subodh Neupane
Alumni Batch 2018 & President, SEEE (2022/23)

Society of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – SEEE invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from its general members who are interested for listed post below for new Executive Committee for academic year 2024/25. Interested members can fill-out the online form.